Saturday, September 27, 2014

Down on the Farm

Today was farm day!!  The students were SO EXCITED about going out to see the animals.  All day long we talked about the animals that might be out there, and how those animals can help us.  Here is a few of MANY pictures that was taken during farm day!

Johnny Appleseed

This past week it was Johnny Appleseed week here at APS.  We learned all about Johnny Appleseed, different kids of apples, and different ways to use apples.  We conducted many exciting apple experiments, and participated in many fun apple activities.  We also got to make our very own  Johnny Appleseed hat!!

School Milk Day

We loved wearing our "milk mustaches" to support national school milk day!!

Making Butter

This week we started our study about farm animals.  We learned about various types of farm animals, and the ways the animals help us.  We learned how to milk a cow and how to make butter!!

Grandparents Day!!

We were SO EXCITED about grandparents day!!  Thank you so much to all the grandparents who came to share this day with us!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

We are scientists!

This week during our science lessons we learned all about scientists!  By the end of the week we became such experts we were scientists ourselves.  We loved our rainbow milk experiment!  In our science journals we predicted what we thought would happen, then recorded what actually happened.  Check it out!!

Timeline Fun

Today we discussed timelines.  We learned that timelines show a sequence of events ordered by dates.  Some of our friends made timelines at home with their parents, and they were able to share those timelines with us.  These timelines helped us better understand this concept.  Have a look at our timelines too!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

We built a town!

This week during our social studies lessons we learned all about towns!  At the end of our lessons we put all of our newly learned knowledge together to build our very own town!  We first listed everything we thought needed to be in our town, then, we got our supplies together and built our town.  Of course, we thought there needed to be many different stores in our town, but we knew that hospitals, police stations, and fire houses were VERY important!  Check out our very own class town!!